North Hills Community Outreach

Main Office: 1975 Ferguson Road, Allison Park, PA 15101
Members donate non-perishable food throughout the year and collect school supplies, new coats, hats and mittens in the fall, plus household cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items for needy families in our area. or check out their Podcast at

Holiday Toy Collection - Nov. 11- Dec. 11
Every holiday season, NHCO holds a toy collection, allowing hundreds of children in need to have a memorable holiday. Donate $20 to NHCO and get a Free Maintenance Package. Here are a few toy and gift ideas: You can order from our Amazon Wish List and have the gifts delivered directly to NHCO.
- Gift cards for clothing stores, Amazon, Target, Walmart, Etc. (teens love these!)
- Board Games
- Puzzles and Books
- Plush blankets
- Bath/body items
- Craft kits and art supplies
- Sports equipment
- Ear buds, phone chargers, other phone accessories
- Popular toys
- Makeup kits